Cittΰ, Data
Customer Service
P.O. Box 1897
Oggetto: Registrant/Owner Changes.
Il sottoscritto (Here, admin-c)....... ........................ titolare del dominio (Admin-c of domain).......... ............ chiede il cambio di Registrant secondo i seguenti parametri (requests the Registrant change with the new parameters):
New Registrant (Owner/Organization)
1. Societΰ (Organization)....................... : .....................
2. Indirizzo (Street Address)....................... : .....................
3. Comune (City)....................... : .....................
4. Provincia (State)....................... : .....................
5. CAP (Postal Code)....................... : .....................
6. Nazione (Country)....................... : .....................
7. Telefono (Phone
Number)....................... : .....................
8. Fax (Fax Number)....................... : .....................
9. E-Mail....................... : .....................
Firma e timbro